
Here is the Puppy Mill or Commercial Breeder’s Law information for you to provide to your county commissions, animal control officers and humane officers.  This was prepared by Summer Wyatt, HSUS WV Director and FOHO WV.

Puppy Mill Enforcement Responsibility (PDF)  Use this information for presenting to your county commission to initiate the registration and inspection of the Dog Breeding Facility.

Puppy Mill Checklist (PDF) –  Use this checklist to inspect the facility.  It incorporates all the essential points in the law that needs to be inspected.

A number of local animal ordinances are being passed throughout the state. Some restrict or set standards for tethering. As we get examples of those ordinances, we post them here.  See them in red below from around WV.   West Virginia Code, Section 7-1-14 code enables this to occur.  It enables county commissions to act. It allows some precedent and standard of care.   A number of local animal ordinances are being passed throughout the state. Some restrict or set standards for tethering. As we get examples of those ordinances, we will post them here.

A restricted tethering dog ordinance also passed in Berkeley County, WV in July 2010. A well organized group convinced the county commission to pass this measure. Here is a copy of their ordinance  /  Berkeley dog ordinance (PDF)

A restricted tethering ordinance passed in Kanawha County in August 20, 2009. It is a county wide ordinance and not just for the city. However, the ordinance was contested and has since been revised.   Kanawha final tethering ordinance (PDF)  / this is the revised copy which allows some exemptions for hunting dogs.

We have included the entire city ordinance here on animal code from Charleston, WV.   Along with the restricted tethering above is the prohibition on transmitting a dog in a trunk  or loose in the back of the truck, or left for more than 5 minutes in a car in extreme temperatures. There is also the controversial pet limit ordinance included too.  Charleston Animal Ordinance 7266  (PDF)

Others include:

Moundsville Regulated Tethering Ordinance (PDF)

Bath Regulated Ordinance (PDF)

The City of Nitro passed an anti-tethering ordinance. Dogs are only allowed to be tethered outdoors for a total of 3 hours in a 24 hour period. And when the temperature goes above 90 degrees or falls below 32 degrees they can’t be tethered outside at all.  We do not have a copy of their ordinance. If you have access, pass it along to us.

Morgan County Canine Restraint Ordinance was just passed in January 2010.
Morgan County canine restraint ordinance  (PDF)

The City of Elkins passed its Regulated Tethering Ordinance in 2009.   Elkins dog tethering ordinance (PDF)     Elkins also had a cat ordinance for the city but the city council has since rescinded it.   You need to carefully consider how this could be adopted in your area. Be sure you have the facilities to house cats and you are talking to local officials about trap, neuter and return for feral cats too. Elkins cat ordinance (PDF)  We left it on here for your convenience even if it is no longer applicable in the city of Elkins.

Let us know of any ordinances in your area that affect animals.